quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2008

Ateliers de experimentação - participação livre

Instituto Terra e Memória - Centro de Estudos Superiores de Mação
A partir da 15h

Dia 24 de Junho

Talhe experimental de quartzitos - debitagem e formatação simples
Neste atelier vamos talhar variados tipos de quartzito e reproduzir técnicas simples de debitagem e formatação, sobretudo a pensar naqueles que não têm muita prática no talhe.

Dia 25 de Junho

Estruturas de combustão e cocção/secagem (?) de alimentos

Neste Atelierr vamos construir e utilizar dois tipos de lareiras experimentais, sendo que uma delas será uma tentativa de reprodução da estrutura identificada no Sítio Arqueológico da Ribeira da Atalaia.

Dia 30 de junho
Talhe experimental de Bifaces (quartzito)
Neste atelier vamos elaborar bifaces quer a partir de seixos quer a partir de lascas, utilizando percutores duros e brandos. Aconselhamos os participantes a trazerem uma protecção para o apoio na perna, de preferência em pele animal.

Arqueologia Experimental na 14º Conferência da EAA

MALTA: 16-21 September, 2008

Prehistoric technology: Cognition and the act of artefact

Session organizers: George Dimitriadis, Maria Gurova & George Nash

Session Abstract
Archaeological theory and practice are often antagonistic. Nonetheless, despite the pragmatists’ reserves, theoretical terms such as ‘culture’ and ‘technology’ still stimulate scientific debates and scholarly curiosity.
Though apparently a package in its right, technology is indivisible from the culture in which it is embedded. As embodied in cultural material, objects articulate systems of intangible ideas and can be associated with patterns of behaviour. For example, how did prehistoric peoples act and react in this respect? What are the relations between technological “packages” and the cosmological views of particular actors (technicians) or cultural entities?
Representations result from experience and are guided by perception. Philosophers still ponder over the links between psycho-physical sensations and mental meanings. Social sciences associate patterns of perception and the production of knowledge with the social ordering of a chaotic world.
Interdisciplinary analytical models can help archaeologists to understand technica systems in general and in particular the physical aspects of tools and raw materials, thus furthering the fathoming of symbolic representations and social frameworks underpinning the everyday ‘struggle for life’.
This session invites scholars whose research agenda deals with the study of prehistoric material culture, that although can be deemed merely as a process of economy, has been impacted by socio-political and technological factors.
1). P. Gnessuta (Pisa):
The Epigravettian pointes à cran in Italian peninsula.
Technological and functional analysis within the context of European cultures

2). G. Nash (Bristol):
Assessing the symbolic modes of production of Mesolithic
portable items
3). G. Ritchie, C. Bonsall (Edinburgh):
The 'Obanian' Revisited: Interpreting Stone,
Bone and Antler Technologies in the Mesolithic of western Scotland"
4). N. Elenski (Sofia):
Technological aspects of the "labrets" impacted by functional
and "religious" factors
5). M. Gurova (Sofia):
Resilience and revival of tribulum inserts production:
cognitive insight of the prehistoric technology
6). A. Vianello (Oxford):
Identities formed from technology: the case of the Late
Bronze Age Mediterranean
7). P. Chruszczewski (Wroclaw): Runic inscriptions as instances of proto-books
8). R. Bednarik (Melbourne): Cognition and palaeoart production
9). F. di Donato (Milano): Headrest: Functionality, art & symbolism
10). P. Bouissac (Toronto): Signs as artifacts: an examination of the Piette collection
11). D. Delfino (Tomar):
Ceramics from Middle and Recent Bronze in Liguria:
Proposal of analytical model of formal typology and “chaîne opératoire”
12). R. Melini (Trento):
“Doing" music without "making" musical instruments: a
prehistoric, actually contemporaneous, concept.


Session Organizers: Dragos GHEORGHIU, Julia WIECKEN and Emannuela ZIMMERMANN
In the second part of the 20th century, experimental archaeology gradually grew as a subdiscipline of archaeology. It often finds a mixed acceptance in mainstream academia, as different people mean different things when they use the term ‘experimental archaeology’. Whereas many flint knapping experiments have greatly enhanced the understanding of the lithics chaînes - opératories of certain sites and traditions, house ‘re’-constructions are often criticised for reducing the complexity and potential variables found in the archaeological record.
Experimental archaeology has a vast potential to test our practical hypotheses. However it can also unlock the sense world of the past, as well as uncover problems and unforeseen aspects of our theoretical arguments. These issues need to be engaged with in an interdisciplinary way.
The present session intends to put together some of the current trends in European experimental archaeology, and will try to identify emergent original trends within the present paradigm. Theoretical papers are encouraged as well as traditional experimental case studies. We are especially interested in the way the young generation of European archaeologists approach experimental archaeology today and what the future of the discipline might hold.
Additionally we will encourage those who would like to present part of their experimental work in a workshop organised alongside the session.
Dr Marie-Yvane Daire et al.
CNRS, UMR 6566, Rennes, France
An archaeology of coastal salt industry : the inescapable part of experiments

Professor Dragos Gheorghiu
Centre of Research, National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania
Building and deconstructing using fire

Dr Emília Pásztor
Matrica Archaeological Museum, Hungary
Experimenting ancient light and shadow interaction

Dr Jacqui Wood
Saveok Water Archaeology, Savok Mill, Greenbottom, Cornwall, UK
Daily practices of Prehistoric Europe during the Mesolithic/Neolithic transition

quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2008

Conference on Experimental Archaeology, U. of Edinburgh

Experimental Archaeology A Conference hosted by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th November 2008
The School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh is pleased to announce a forthcoming conference on Experimental Archaeology. The conference will be held over the weekend of 15th-16th November 2008 and will comprise a day of papers and discussions at the Archaeology building on Saturday followed, on Sunday, by a trip to the Scottish Crannog Centre on Loch Tay where delegates will be able to visit an experimental re-construction of a crannog and take part on various associated activities.
The use of experiment in archaeology provides a scientific theoretical structure within which various strands of evidence can be united in a systematic methodology. These strands of evidence can comprise information from ethnography, craft skills, technological expertise and archaeological data as well as phenomenological and educational studies. Papers and posters are invited on the following key themes that are suggested as a focus for presentations though not as a limitation on them:

Key Themes:
The role of experiment in archaeological interpretation and research.
Understanding technology in ancient society.
The role of experiment in public archaeology and “Living archaeology” centres: the case for greater academic involvement
Case studies of current projects

Format of the Conference Weekend:
9:00-17:00: conference papers and discussions. Teas/coffees will be provided.
17:00-18:00: discussion of conference themes and future conferences.
19:00 onwards: an evening meal will be arranged at a local restaurant - cost to be covered by delegates. Please indicate on your registration form if you would like to participate.
10:00-18:00 trip to the Scottish Crannog Centre on Loch Tay. This is currently being arranged and will require a minimum of 30 participants to go ahead. Please indicate on your application form if you would like to participate.

Conference fees:
Cost of teas/coffee and conference booklet: £7:00 (payable now)
Cost of Sunday excursion to Loch Tay: £17.00 (payable on arrival)

Conference Venue:
ArchaeologySchool of History, Classics and ArchaeologyThe University of EdinburghThe Old High School12 Infirmary StreetEDINBURGH EH1 1LT
Dr Gordon Thomas:
experimentalconference@ed.ac.ukMr Graham Ritchie:experimentalconference@ed.ac.uk
Ms Lizzie Cory-Lopez:
Mr Riley Snyder:

II Congresso Internacional de Arqueologia

II Congresso internacional de Arqueologia Experimental

26-28 November Centro Algaba de Ronda, Spain

O desenvolvimento da Arqueologia nas últimas décadas gerou um crescente interesse pela metodologia experimental como base para a sustentação das hipóteses criadas pela disciplina sobre a formação do registo arqueológico, a tecnologia e os modos de vida do passado. A realização de experimentações arqueológicas deveria ser um protocolo habitual para uma ciência histórica onde este tipo de prática não havia sido algo comum. Nesse sentido, a Arqueologia Experimental teve um aperfeiçoamento desigual e em consequência, nos encontramos hoje em dia a convivência entre países com uma experiencia metodológica dilatada junto a outros que ainda se encontram em uma fase incipiente.
Na Península Ibérica este processo se viu acelerado graças a dois acontecimentos principais: em primeiro lugar, o "I Congresso de Arqueologia Experimental" celebrado em Santander (Espanha) no ano de 2005; por outro lado, a criação da Associação Espanhola de Arqueologia Experimental (Experimenta), impulsionada por investigadores de diversas instituições. Esta associação, co-organizadora do presente congresso, nasceu com a finalidade de fazer conhecer e potenciar os trabalhos de investigação que utilizam a metodologia experimental.
Neste contexto, surge o "II Congresso Internacional de Arqueologia Experimental" que procurará cumprir com dois objectivos gerais: expor as pesquisas teórico-metodológicas mais recentes no campo da Arqueologia Experimental e, em segundo lugar, constituir um foro de encontro e debate entre investigadores da disciplina arqueológica.
O congresso se divide em dois grandes blocos, cada um com suas respectivas sessões:
- Arqueologia Experimental: a investigação
- Divulgação e posta em valor do Património Histórico

Javier Baena Preysler
Departamento de Prehistoria, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
(Presidente de la Asociación Española de Arqueología Experimental)
Antonio Morgado Rodríguez
Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología, Universidad de Granada

Thierry Aubry
Instituto Português de Arqueologia (Portugal)
Gabriel Martínez Fernández
Dpto. Prehistoria y Arqueología, Universidad de Granada (España)
Jacques Pelegrin
Laboratoire de Préhistoire et Technologie (UMR 7055 - C.N.R.S.) (Francia)
Josep Pou Vallés
Ciutadella Ibérica de Calafell, Tarragona (España)
Maria Luisa Ramos
Departamento de Arqueología, Universidad de Cantabria (España)
Isabelle Sidera
Laboratoire de Préhistoire et Technologie (UMR 7055 - C.N.R.S.) (Francia)
Xavier Terradas Batllé
Laboratorio de Arqueología y Antropología (Institución Milà i Fontanals, C.S.I.C.) (España)
Hugo Nami
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) (Argentina)
15 de Maio 2008 – 15 de Novembro de 2008
A) Inscrições realizadas entre 15 de Maio e 31 de Julho 2008
120 Euros - inscrição
100 Euros - inscrição reduzida (estudantes universitários)
B) Inscrições realizadas entre 1de Agosto a 15 de Novembro 2008
150 Euros - inscrição
100 Euros - inscrição reduzida (estudantes universitários)
* A inscrição da direito a:
- Participar do congresso y receber a certificação correspondente
- Almoço durante a celebração do congresso
- Receber o livro de resumes
- Receber a publicação definitiva
- Pertencer `a Associação Espanhola de Arqueologia Experimental (opcional)
O pagamento se realizara mediante o ingresso ou transferência bancária à seguinte conta:
No. Conta (Espanha): 3058 0884 1128 1000 6285 (Cajamar)
Código IBAN (estrangeiro): ES67 3058 0884 1128 1000 6285
Os resumes deverão constar de:
- Titulo
- Autor(es) com indicação do centro de trabalho ou direcção
- Resume da comunicação que devera conter um máximo de 8000 caracteres (texto e referencias bibliográficas)
Os resumes das comunicações deverão ser remetidos mediante correio electrónico a:
A data limite para a recepção dos resumes das comunicações será o 30 de Setembro de 2008.
Os resumes recebidos serão publicados em um volume que se entregara no dia da inauguração do congresso.